Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Valdés keen to get started

Barça keeper Victor Valdés is “excited” about the new season, which he reckons is going to be “full of new challenges”. Speaking at the launch of his new webpage, the keeper also commented on the current situation at the Club.

With under a week to go before Barça begin their 2011-12 pre-season, Victor Valdés marked the launch of his personal website ( ) by stressing: “I’m really keen to get the season under way and excited about the new challenges we’ll be facing as we fight to retain all our titles”.

2011-07-12_VALDES_WEB_06.JPGWith the team’s first official games pitting them against Real Madrid in the Spanish Super Cup, Valdés recalled the flurry of games the two teams fought out at the end of last season: “it was a very intense month with a lot of media focus –these games are always like that”.

Praise for Cesc and Alexis
Whilst explaining that he was: “a little disconnected” from the transfer market speculations at the moment, he expressed his conviction that Cesc Fabregas: “is excited about coming back here and I’d like that. His way of playing would mean he’d have no problems adapting and he’d bring a lot of quality”.

Valdés is also familiar with Chile international Alexis Sánchez: “he surprised me at last year’s World Cup. He’s very good, very fast and his main virtue is his ability to beat a man. He is undoubtedly a really valid option and a very good striker”.

Support for Bojan and Messi
2011-07-12_VALDES_WEB_04.JPGAs to the possible departure of Bojan Krkic, Valdés commented: “if it’s confirmed, then I’ll be losing a mate. I just hope he is happy and things turn out right for him”. Asked about Leo Messi’s form in the Copa America, Valdés insisted: “everyone knows the quality he has -he’s the best in the world and he will always show that”.

The keeper was speaking at an event held to mark the launch of his website at the Ricard Maxenchs Press Room at the Camp Nou,

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