Sunday, July 31, 2011

Final training in Washington

The players who didn’t take part in the United game, or only played in the final minutes, trained at the RFK Memorial Stadium in Washington this morning. The squad will fly out to Miami this afternoon.

Final training in Washington

The day’s only training was held at DC United ‘s RFK Memorial Stadium this morning, whilst those players who played a large part of the game against Manchester United stayed at the hotel to work out in the gym –something which is routine on the day after a match.

Eleven players with Guardiola
Guardiola worked with four first team players -Piqué ,Xavi , Pinto and Jeffren and seven from the B team -Masip, Carmona, Espinosa, Balliu, Riverola, Muniesa and Armando.

Flight to Miami
Following the training and a press conference with Puyol, Busquets and Lakers NBA star Kobee Bryant set for 13.00 (EST) the squad are due to fly out to Miami, where they will have their first training session tomorrow, Monday.

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