Friday, September 9, 2011

Puyol, Maxwell, Afellay and Adriano get medical clearance

Josep Guardiola has all five injured players back in action ahead of Saturday’s league meeting at Anoeta with Real Sociedad.

Puyol, Maxwell, Afellay and Adriano get medical clearance

Good news for FC Barcelona, who have 7 games in 23 days ahead of them, for almost the full squad is now fit. On Friday, all of Puyol, Afellay, Maxwell and Adriano were given medical clearance and are on the list of 20 players that will travel to Sant Sebastian for Saturday’s match at Real Sociedad.

2011-09-09_ENTRENO_17.JPGCaptain back
Of the quartet, Carles Puyol has been out for longest. He hasn’t played since the final at Wembley last May. Afellay and Maxwell were injured on the US tour and Adriano is back after leaving the pitch injured in the European Supercup in Monaco.

Piqué still out
So the only first team player unavailable for Anoeta is Gerard Piqué, who trained in isolation on Friday. He did recovery exercises in the company of reserve team player Marc Muniesa.

Friday’s session was the last before the second league match of the season, and the first team members were joined by Barça B’s Ivan Balliu and Isaac Cuenca.

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