Sunday, June 26, 2011

Villa: “I’d love to retire at Barça”

David Villa has categorically denied rumours about a move to England and expressed his desire to play at the Club for the rest of his career. Villa also spoke about possible new signings at the Camp Nou.
Villa: “I’d love to retire at Barça”
Villa doesn’t want to hear anything about any move to the Premier League, nor indeed anywhere else and speaking at a promotional event in Gandia he made it clear: “I’ve not let all that has been said affect me, it’s not even a rumour or speculation –it’s just a lie. I’m still just 29, and I’d love to retire here at Barça, because that would mean everything had gone great – I want to be here for as long as possible”.

Cesc and Alexis
villa_5.JPGAsked about any possible summer signings at the Club, such as Cesc Fàbregas and Alexis Sánchez: “they are two players of a very high quality, both as individuals and as part of a collective. If they come, it will mean a big leap in quality”.

“Mata is like a brother to me

There has also been speculation about Villa’s ex- Valencia teammate Juan Mata possibly making a move and the Barça striker explained: “just imagine how excited I would be about that. Not just because of what he brings as a player, but also because he’s like a brother to me and playing alongside him again would be like a dream”.

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