Saturday, December 19, 2009

The tears of a historic manager

It all got so emotional for Josep Guardiola in Abu Dhabi that he was unable to hold back his tears of joy. He had every right to cry. He has made history.

December 19, 2009 is a day this man will never forget. He was the manager who won everything. Humble, prudent, respectful and with an unconditional love for his club, Guardiola’s amazing year has been culminated by being crowned the best team in the world. And although he would never claim it himself, he was probably the one person more than any other that made that happen.

Team spirit all the way

2009-12-16_PARTIDO_088.JPGThe image of tears pouring out of the eyes of a very proud Guardiola already forms part of the club’s history. And he was joined in this moment of glory by such illustrious companions as Alves, Henry and Ibrahimovic, and even Manel Estiarte, who went straight over to show his affection for this incredible person. This was the moment when Barcelona could celebrate one of the most remarkable feats in footballing history – winning six trophies in the same calendar year.

“The merit was down to the players”

Speaking in his post-match press conference, Guardiola said his tears were “things that happen from time to time”, and then insisted that it was not him, but his players, that everybody should be thanking. “It was very difficult to achieve what we achieved” he said. “It was something very hard to do. But as I always have done, today I want to thank the players for all the months they have given us. They have played very well at times, doing what people enjoy. I will never forget that it was them who have made me great.”

He also wanted to make sure that it was not just the players that are in the team now that they should remember. “I want to remind you all of the players that were with us last season too, because they also played their part in this.”

“I didn’t think I’d be strong enough”

Guardiola added that “winning six titles in a row was unthinkable; I didn’t think I’d be strong enough to do that. There have been a lot of factors involved: very few injuries, a group of players that play because they enjoy it, mental strength ... we all have the right to feel happy, and I congratulate the institution and all the people that love Barça. This was for them.”

More work to do

There was one inevitable question. “And now what?” The manager’s answer was that “we have to carry on working. We have a very nice squad and can continue competing. What will keep us among the elite is hard work, because the talent is already there. But now we can afford to simply enjoy this over the holidays, we have won a Gran Slam this year. After that, we just have to carry on.”

Pedro and Jeffren

Pedro once again came on in the second half and proved fundamental, scoring the equalising goal. “Pedro is a very hard worker. He gave us the width we needed in the second half. And a goal.” As for home-grown talent Jeffren, the manager said “he was extraordinary. I know him well; he’s very fast and plays well on the wings. He plays with humility and a lot of effort.”

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